Holding Desire
The passing of one of Nicolás’s relatives brings him and his mother to a farmhouse in Chile, where they reconnect with their family. As the days goes by, Pacita, his cousin, begins to fall in love with him while he developes a certain fixation on a farm employee that goes by the name of Zenón.
La muerte de un pariente fuerza a Nicolás y a su madre a volver a Chile. Se hospedan en una casa de campo, donde se reencuentran con su familia. En el transcurso de los días, su prima Pacita, se comienza a enamorar de Nicolás, mientras éste desarrolla cierta fijación por el cuidador del campo, Zenón.
Film Festivals and Awards
FICUNAM Festival Internacional de Cine UNAM, Mexico
Amor International Film festival, Chile
Ovalle International Film festival, Chile
FESANCOR festtival de Cortometrajes de Santiago, Chile